For Art & Culture Development Service Inquiries, Please fill the following questionnaire and we will get back to you as soon as possible..
Company Size: SmallMediumLargeStartup
Art & Culture Development Needs:
Do you have any existing art or cultural initiatives? YesNo If yes, please describe them.
Are you interested in developing or supporting art and cultural programs? YesNo If yes, what are your goals?
What types of art and cultural activities are you interested in? Visual artsPerforming artsMusicLiteratureFilmCultural events
Are you interested in collaborating with local artists and cultural organizations? YesNo
Do you have any specific budget constraints for art and culture development?
General Questions:
What are your company's overall marketing and communication objectives?
What are your expectations for working with a media company?
What are your preferred communication methods?
Do you have any other special requests or considerations?